Saturday, August 20, 2022 @ 4:00pm
Place: Jamestown Trace Gazebo
Theme: "Summer Memories"
Featured Storytellers
Volunteer Storytellers
Musical entertainment by the house band The Conkle Brothers
Spoken Threads welcomes all stories, including those challenging traditional systems and structures. All storytellers are welcome regardless of religious tradition, race, class, gender, ethnicity, political leaning or sexual orientation. Audience members are requested to commit to the discipline of respectful listening.
Ground Rules
- Anyone is welcome to tell a story. Just sign up on the storyteller's sheet if you want to share.
- Stories should be true, personal and told in the first person.
- Please keep all stories age appropriate to those in the audience.
- Please keep all stories to under about seven minutes.
- All storytellers deserve the gift of respectful listening.
Next Event – Storytelling Training: Date/Time/Place TBD
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